Prayer Meeting
The early church life is the life of prayer. The disciples had no weapons, no charter, and no worldly wisdom or power. What they had was a living God, and they brought all things to this living God; they brought all their problems to this living Lord. This is the real meaning of their prayer. The church life in the early days was a life of prayer. If we compare this to today’s Christianity, we will see a difference. In today’s Christianity there are many teachings, human ways, organizations, charters, regulations, rules, material things, and other matters, but there is very little prayer. If we are going to practice the real church life, we must learn how to pray in a practical, prevailing, living, and fresh way. Moreover, we must learn how to help others to pray and make every member of the church a praying member.
— Basic Principles for the Practice of the Church Life
We have weekly prayer times in small groups and once a month corporate prayer. Locations vary, so please reach out to us for more information.