Table Meeting
The Table Meeting is the replacement of the Passover Feast in the Old Testament. The night before the Lord was crucified He partook of the Passover with His disciples. The Passover is centered around the lamb that God had commanded the children of Israel to partake of. Before God’s eyes both the Israelites and the Egyptians stood condemned, and were under God’s judgement. On a certain night God was sending an angel to destroy all the firstborn in the land of Egypt. Both men and beasts. Both Israelite and Egyptian. God commanded the Israelites to slay a lamb, and to apply its blood to the outside of both doorposts and on the lintel of each house they dwelt in. That night as the death angel swept across the land when it would come to a house with the blood it would pass over that house as it was a house redeemed by the blood of the lamb.

The Bread and the Wine. The Lord took a loaf of bread and passed it to His disciples. Similarly, He took a cup and passed it around to the disciples. For almost two thousand years the believers have kept this practice. The Table Meeting is the continuation of the Passover in New Testament age.